Sonnenberg Law Offices, PLLC offers Limited Scope Representation (LSR) for those parties that may have limited funds with which to pay a law firm to provide full legal services and when that party is ready, willing and able to handle certain aspects of their case themselves. When LSR services are provided, the court considers the party as acting "in pro per" or "pro se" (on his or her own behalf) even though an LSR attorney may appear with and for the party on those specific occasions as the party wishes or needs. The rules are a bit more specific and detailed than this, and any party seeking a LSR attorney may ask for a courtesy initial consultation with Sonnenberg Law to learn more.
On September 20th, 2017 the Michigan Supreme Court adopted rules providing clearer direction for attorneys offering Limited Scope Representation. These rules went into effect January 1st, 2018.
LSR works something like this:
Unlike full representation, LSR is a type of legal representation where an attorney only helps you with parts of your case. LSR is sometimes also called unbundling or “a la carte” legal services.
An LSR attorney can help you decide what parts of your case he or she will complete and what parts you will do yourself. An LSR attorney will only charge you for the parts of your case they help you with. An LSR attorney may charge the party one flat fee for all the work the LSR attorney does, or charge an hourly fee.
The LSR attorney may help the party outside of court or in court. To help the party with parts of his or her case in court, the LSR attorney must file a Notice of Limited Appearance.
Some examples, among others, of how an LSR attorney can help a party by providing LSR legal services are as follows:
Give you legal advice or coaching to help you represent yourself in court or in a settlement process;
Write letters or legal documents for you;
Review legal documents that you prepared or settlement agreements you negotiated;
Gather facts for your case;
Represent you in court for all or part of your case;
Help prepare, file, and serve paperwork;
Help with dispute resolution, including mediation and negotiation to settle your case, and preparing paperwork to finalize agreements; or
Research specific legal issues to help you decide whether to bring your case to court, figure out what your rights are, or help you build your case.